
Partial Evaluation of Maple

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Running MapleMIX

The input to MapleMIX is a user supplied "goal" function. MapleMIX will treat this function as the starting point of execution. The parameters of the goal function will become the parameters of the resulting specialized program. The goal function typically just calls the function for which specialization is desired supplying static inputs and using the goal function parameters as dynamic inputs.

Here we will use a simple powering function as an example of how to invoke MapleMIX. This simple function just computes xn for n >= 0;

> pow := proc(x, n)
>     if n = 0 then
>         1
>     else
>         x * pow(x, n - 1)
>     end if
> end proc;

In order to specialize this function with respect to a fixed value for n we write a simple goal function that calls pow.

> goal := proc(x)
>     pow(x, 3)
> end proc;

MapleMIX is then invoked by calling the OnPE function passing the goal function.

> cube := OnPE(goal);

The result is a specialized version of pow that always computes x3.
> print(cube:-ModuleApply);

proc (x) x*x*x end proc

It is often the case that MapleMIX will generate several residual functions, these are packaged together and returned as a Maple module. The specialized goal function becomes the special ModuleApply function of the returned module. In Maple a ModuleApply function is implicitly called when a module value is used in a function call.

> cube(2);


> cube:-ModuleApply(2);


It is possible to generate alternate specializations by fixing different parameters to static values. For example we could fix x to a specific value as well.

> goal2 := proc(n)
>     pow(10, n)
> end proc;

> pow10 := OnPE(goal2);

In this case MapleMIX returns a module with two functions, pow_1 and ModuleApply. Only the ModuleApply function is "public" by being exported by the module.

> print(pow10);

module() local pow_1; export ModuleApply;  end module

In this case the specialized code mostly resides in the pow_1 function. In this example less specialization is possible because the expression that terminates the recursion is dynamic, therefore MapleMIX cannot safely unfold the recursive calls without risking non-termination.

> print(pow10:-pow_1);

    if n = 0 then
        10 * pow_1(n-1)
    end if
end proc

Supplying Options

MapleMIX is designed to be fully automatic, meaning that the subject program does not need to be annotated in order to help the partial evaluator. However sometimes it may be advantageous to provide some extra options.

MapleMIX allows partial evaluation to be directed by supplying an option object that tells MapleMIX how to treat certain functions that it may encounter. The following example tells MapleMIX not to specialize the foo function. The residual code then contains an explicit call to foo even though MapleMIX normally would have specialized away the call. This can be quite useful if a function contains constructs not supported by MapleMIX.

> foo := proc(x,y) x + y end proc;

> goal := proc(a)  a + foo(2,3) end proc;

> opts := PEOptions();
> opts:-addFunction(PEOptions:-DYNAMIC, foo);

> ps := OnPE(goal, opts);

> print(ps:-ModuleApply);

proc(a) a + foo(2, 3) end proc

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