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To show the power of partial evauation in action this example shows the results of running MapleMIX on a parameterized in-place quicksort algorithm. The algorithm has been written with extensibility, reusability and readability in mind. Two design decisions have been abstracted as function parameters using the strategy design pattern. First the choice of pivot, which effects the complexity properties of the algorithm, and second the choice of comparison function. This allows sorting behavior to be customized (for example the code can be used to sort ascending or descending) as well as providing extensibility as a new comparison function can be provided for user defined data-types.
swap := proc(A, x, y) local temp; temp := A[x]; A[x] := A[y]; A[y] := temp; end proc: partition := proc(A, m, n, pivot, compare) local pivotIndex, pivotValue, storeIndex, i, temp; pivotIndex := pivot(A, m, n); pivotValue := A[pivotIndex]; swap(A, pivotIndex, n); storeIndex := m; for i from m to n-1 do if compare(A[i], pivotValue) then swap(A, storeIndex, i); storeIndex := storeIndex + 1; end if; end do; swap(A, n, storeIndex); return storeIndex; end proc: quicksort := proc(A, m, n, pivot, compare) local p; if m < n then p := partition(A, m, n, pivot, compare); quicksort(A, m, p-1, pivot, compare); quicksort(A, p+1, n, pivot, compare); end if; end proc:
A goal function qs1 is provided which calls the quicksort function with the following parameters:
qs1 := proc(A, m, n) local p, c; p := (A, m, n) -> n; c := `<=`; quicksort(A, m, n, p, c) end proc:The following is the specialized result of running MapleMIX on qs1.
quicksort_1 := proc(A, m, n) local pivotIndex1, pivotValue1, temp1, storeIndex1, i1, temp2, temp3, p; if m < n then pivotIndex1 := n; pivotValue1 := A[pivotIndex1]; temp1 := A[pivotIndex1]; A[pivotIndex1] := A[n]; A[n] := temp1; storeIndex1 := m; for i1 from m to n - 1 do if A[i1] <= pivotValue1 then temp2 := A[storeIndex1]; A[storeIndex1] := A[i1]; A[i1] := temp2; storeIndex1 := storeIndex1 + 1 end if end do; temp3 := A[n]; A[n] := A[storeIndex1]; A[storeIndex1] := temp3; p := storeIndex1; quicksort_1(A, m, p - 1); quicksort_1(A, p + 1, n) end if end proc
Several things are of note:
All Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) use generic solutions in their approach to certain problems. For example when asked degree(a*x^2 + b*x + c) Maple will respond with 2 as an answer. However this answer ignores the case where a = 0.
In particular we are looking for a precise answer of the following form:
/ | 2 when a <> 0 degree(a*x^2 + b*x + c) = | 1 when a = 0 and b <> 0 | 0 otherwise \
In order to use partial evaluation toward this goal one must first be willing to change the representation of answers. In our case we will use a residual program to represent the answer to a parametric problem. We will use the power of partial evaluation to extract so called residual theorems from existing code written to provide generic solutions. The first example is of a small program that computes the degree of a polynomial.
coefflist := proc(p) local d, i; d := degree(p,x); return [seq(coeff(p, x, d-i), i=0..d)]; end proc: mydegree := proc(p, v) local lst, i, s; lst := coefflist(p, v); s := nops(lst); for i from 1 to s do if lst[i] <> 0 then return s-i end if; end do; return -infinity; end proc:
In order to use PE to extract the cases we must treat the polynomial coefficients as dynamic variables. Here most of the structure of the polynomial is static so a large amount of specialization is possible.
goal := proc(a, b, c) local p; p := a*x^2+b*x+c; mydegree(p, x) end proc;
When called directly with symbols provided for the polynomial coefficients the goal function will return 2. However, when it is partially evaluated with no inputs given the result is a residual program representation of the desired result.
proc(a, b, c) if a <> 0 then 2 elif b <> 0 then 1 elif c <> 0 then 0 else -infinity end if end proc
pow := proc(x, n) if n = 0 then 1 else x * pow(x, n-1) end if end proc
However it is naive to implement powering in this way because the complexity is linear. It is illustrative to demonstrate how the complexity of an algorithm has a direct relation to the number of computations performed by the residual program. For example when the simple powering example is specialized with respect to n = 72 the result has 71 multiplications. (The 72nd multiplication is a multiplication by 1 and was removed by the Maple automatic simplifier).
pow_72 := proc(x) x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x* x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x* x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x* x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x* x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x* x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x* x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x end proc
Below is a powering algorithm with much better complexity known as binary powering or fast powering.
bin_pow := proc(x, n) local y; if n=0 then 1 elif n=1 then x elif (n mod 2 = 0) then y := pow2(x, n/2); y*y; else x*pow2(x, n-1) end if; end proc
Binary powering tests for the case when the exponent is even and recursively splits the computation in half. For example x^72 will result in the computations ((((((x^2)^2)^2)*x)^2)^2)^2 When the algorithm is specialized with respect to n = 72 the result contains only seven multiplications. (Again, all multiplications by 1 are removed by the Maple automatic simplifier.) It is easy to see that the structure of the residual program matches exactly the expected computations.
bin_pow_72 := proc(x) local y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6; y1 := x; y2 := y1 * y1; y3 := y2 * y2; y4 := x * y3 * y3; y5 := y4 * y4; y6 := y5 * y5; y6 * y6 end proc
MiniMapleInterpreter := module() option package; export ModuleApply; local evalStat, evalExpr, evalBin; ModuleApply := proc(prog, input) local defs, d; defs := table(); for d in prog do defs[op(1,d)] := d end do; evalStat(op(3,op(1,prog)), input, defs); end proc; evalStat := proc(s, env, defs) local h, t, c, var, e1; h := op(0, s); if h = mmIfElse then c := evalExpr(op(1,s), env, defs); if c then evalStat(op(2,s), env, defs); else evalStat(op(3,s), env, defs); end if; elif h = mmExpr then evalExpr(op(1,s), env, defs); else error "unknown statement form: %1", h; end if; end proc; evalExpr := proc(e, env, defs) local h, e1, e2, o, def, ags, newEnv, param, i; h := op(0, e); if h = mmInt or h = mmString or h = mmName then op(1,e); elif h = mmVar then env[op(1,e)] elif h = mmBin then o := op(1,e); e1 := evalExpr(op(2,e), env, defs); e2 := evalExpr(op(3,e), env, defs); evalBin(o, e1, e2); elif h = mmUn then o := op(1,e); e1 := evalExpr(op(2,e), env, defs); evalUn(o, e1); elif h = mmCall then def := defs[op(1,e)]; ags := op(2,e); i := 1; newEnv := table(); for param in op(2,def) do newEnv[param] := evalExpr(op(i,ags), env, defs); i := i + 1; end do; evalStat(op(3,def), newEnv, defs); else error "unknown expression form: %1", h; end if; end proc; evalBin := proc(mm, e1, e2) if mm = mmEq then evalb(e1 = e2) elif mm = mmPlus then e1 + e2 elif mm = mmTimes then e1 * e2 elif mm = mmAnd then e1 and e2 elif mm = mmOr then e1 or e2 else error "unknown binary operator: %1", mm; end if; end proc; end module:Below is the classic powering function example coded in the language of our simple interpreter. This may seem like a simple example however the termination properties of MapleMIX will be tested as this is a recursive program and all of the program's variables will be dynamic. Even this simple example uses almost all the functionality of the interpreter (which would involve a great deal of overhead when executed on the interpreter).
power := mmProgram( mmDef("pow", mmParams("x", "n"), mmIfElse(mmBin(mmEq, mmVar("n"), mmInt(0)), mmExpr(mmInt(1)), mmExpr( mmBin(mmTimes, mmVar("x"), mmCall("pow", mmArgs(mmVar("x"), mmBin(mmPlus, mmVar("n"), mmInt(-1))) ))))))Below is a goal function that calls the interpreter on the example program. Note that the interpreter requires the program's input to be passed as a table.
goal := proc(x, n) local t; t := table(["x" = x, "n" = n]); MiniMapleInterpreter(power, t); end proc;Below is the "compiled" program that is the result of running the partial evaluator on the interpreter and the example program. As expected pieces of the interpreter are left over, in particular there are several residual statements that are concerned with passing around the environment.
compiled_pow := module() ModuleApply := proc(x, n) local t; t["x"] := x; t["n"] := n; evalStat_1(t) end proc; evalStat_1 := proc(env) local e12, c, e16, newEnv1, e14, e22; e12 := env["n"]; c := evalb(e12 = 0); if c then 1 else e16 := env["x"]; newEnv1["x"] := env["x"]; e14 := env["n"]; newEnv1["n"] := e14 - 1; e22 := evalStat_1(newEnv1); e16*e22 end if end proc end module;As a further example we provide a goal function which provides a static value 5 for n. The purpose is to show that compilation and specialization of the source program can be achieved at the same time.
goal := proc(x) local t; t := table(["x" = x, "n" = 5]); MiniMapleInterpreter(power, t); end proc;The resulting program computes x^5. Again the environment passing behavior of the interpreter has been residualized.
proc(x) local t, e110, newEnv5, e18, newEnv4, e16, newEnv3, e14, newEnv2, e12, e22, e24, e26, e28, e210; t["x"] := x; e110 := t["x"]; newEnv5["x"] := t["x"]; e18 := newEnv5["x"]; newEnv4["x"] := newEnv5["x"]; e16 := newEnv4["x"]; newEnv3["x"] := newEnv4["x"]; e14 := newEnv3["x"]; newEnv2["x"] := newEnv3["x"]; e12 := newEnv2["x"]; e22 := 1; e24 := e12*e22; e26 := e14*e24; e28 := e16*e26; e210 := e18*e28; e110*e210 end proc;
Below is an implementation of a generic matrix multiplication algorithm. It is capable of handling matrices of any data type as long as the user provides implementations for the zero, addition and multiplication functions. This is an example of what real-world Maple code looks like. The advantage of this approach is a high level of genericity, one procedure works with matrices of any data type. But the tradeoff is that this procedure is not optimized for any data type, and there is a great deal of overhead just for error checking.
MatrixMatrixMultiplyOperations := [`0`,`+`::procedure,`*`::procedure]: HasOperation := proc(D,f) if type(D,table) then assigned(D[f]) else member(f,[exports(D)]) fi; end: # Type check GenericCheck := proc(P,T) local D,f,n,t; if not type(P,indexed) or nops(P)<>1 then error "\%1 is not indexed by a domain",P fi; D := op(1,P); if not type(D,{table,`module`}) then error "domain must be a table or module" fi; for f in T do if type(f,`::`) then n := op(1,f); t := op(2,f); elif type(f,symbol) then n := f; t := false; else error "invalid operation name: \%1", f; fi; if not HasOperation(D,n) then error "missing operation: \%1",n; fi; if t <> false and not type(D[n],t) then error "operation has wrong type: \%1", f fi; od; D end: MatrixMatrixMultiply := proc(A::Matrix,B::Matrix) local D,n,p,m,C,i,j,k; D := GenericCheck( procname, MatrixMatrixMultiplyOperations ); if op(1,A)[2]<>op(1,B)[1] then error "first matrix column dimension (\%1) <> second matrix row dimension (\%2)", op(1,A)[2], op(1,B)[1]; fi; n,p := op(1,A); m := op(1,B)[2]; C := Matrix(n,m); for i to n do for j to m do C[i,j] := D[`+`](seq(D[`*`](A[i,k],B[k,j]),k=1..p)) od od; C end:
Multiplying matrices of integers is a very common operation, so it would be nice to be able to automatically generate a version of this procedure specialized to work only with integers. To do this we must first set up the procedures for the standard operations on integers.
(Z[`0`],Z[`+`],Z[`*`]) := (0,`+`,`*`);
And provide a goal function...
goal := proc(x,y) MatrixMatrixMultiply[Z](x,y); end proc;The result is a highly optimized version derived from the original algorithm. It should be clear that all the overhead has been eliminated. For example, on 200x200 matrices, the specialized version was 2.1 times faster, and used 5 times less memory; this gets asymptotically better as the sizes of the matrices is increased.
proc (x, y) local n1, p1, m6, C1, i1, j1; if op(1,x)[2] <> op(1,y)[1] then error "first matrix column dimension (\%1) <> second matrix row dimension (\%2)", op(1,x)[2], op(1,y)[1] end if; n1, p1 := op(1,x); m6 := op(1,y)[2]; C1 := Matrix(n1,m6); for i1 to n1 do for j1 to m6 do C1[i1,j1] := `+`(seq(x[i1,k]*y[k,j1],k = 1..p1)) end do end do; C1 end proc;
For another example from generic linear algebra we can look to the Berkowitz Algorithm. Given an n x n Matrix A of values from a commutative ring R, BerkowitzAlgorithm[R](A) returns a Vector V of dimension n+1 of values in R with the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of A. The characteristic polynomial is the polynomial V[1]*x^n + V[2]*x^(n-1) + ... + V[n]*x + V[n+1]. The Berkowitz algorithm does O(n^4) multiplications and additions in R.
RingOperations := [`+`::procedure,`-`::procedure,`*`::procedure,`0`,`1`,`=`::procedure]: BerkowitzAlgorithmOperations := RingOperations: BerkowitzAlgorithm := proc(A::Matrix) local D,m,n,Vect,r,C,S,Q,i,j,k,one,zero,minusone; D := GenericCheck( procname, RingOperations ); m,n := LinearAlgebra:-Dimensions(A); if m<>n then error "Matrix must be square" fi; one := D[`1`]; zero := D[`0`]; minusone := D[`-`](one); if n=1 then return Vector([one,D[`-`](A[1,1])]); elif n=2 then return Vector([one, D[`-`](D[`+`](A[1,1],A[2,2])), D[`-`](D[`*`](A[1,1],A[2,2]),D[`*`](A[2,1],A[1,2]))]); else Vect := Vector(n+1,'fill'=zero); Vect[1] := minusone; Vect[2] := A[1,1]; C[1] := minusone; for r from 2 to n do for i to r-1 do S[i]:=A[i,r] od; C[2] := A[r,r]; for i from 1 to r-2 do C[i+2] := D[`+`](seq(D[`*`](A[r,j],S[j]),j=1..r-1)); for j to r-1 do Q[j] := D[`+`](seq(D[`*`](A[j,k],S[k]),k=1..r-1)); od; for j to r-1 do S[j] := Q[j] od; od; C[r+1] := D[`+`](seq(D[`*`](A[r,j],S[j]),j=1..r-1)); for i to r+1 do Q[i] := D[`+`](seq(D[`*`](C[i+1-j],Vect[j]),j=1..min(r,i))); od; for i to r+1 do Vect[i] := Q[i] od; od; if type(n,odd) then for i to n+1 do Vect[i] := D[`-`](Vect[i]) od fi; return Vect fi; end:
Like with the matrix multiplication example we would like to specialize this algorithm to work only on integers.
(Z[`0`],Z[`1`],Z[`+`],Z[`-`],Z[`*`],Z[`=`]) := (0,1,`+`,`-`,`*`,`=`):
A bit of extra care must be taken to avoid some code that MapleMIX can't handle. Its possible to supply some options to control the specialization process. The following options tell MapleMIX to avoid specializing the Vector and simplify procedures.
opts := PEOptions(): opts:-addFunction(PEOptions:-INTRINSIC, Vector): opts:-addFunction(PEOptions:-INTRINSIC, 'simplify'); goal := proc(X) BerkowitzAlgorithm[Z](X) end proc;
And the result is....
bkz_s := proc(X) local m27, largs1, m1, n1, x4, x6, x8, y1, Vect1, S1, C1, Q1, r1, i1, j1, x10; if hastype(X,{Matrix, Vector}) then if type(X,list) then m27 := map(simplify,X,rtable) elif type(X,set) then m27 := map(simplify,X,rtable) else m27 := simplify(X,rtable) end if else m27 := X end if; largs1 := [`if`(type(X,{Matrix, Vector}),X,m27)]; if not type(largs1[1],{Matrix, Vector}) then error "expects its %-1 argument, A, to be of type {Matrix,Vector}, but received %2", 1, largs1[1] end if; m1, n1 := op(1,largs1[1]); if m1 <> n1 then error "Matrix must be square" end if; if n1 = 1 then x4 := X[1,1]; Vector([1, -x4]) elif n1 = 2 then x6 := X[1,1]+X[2,2]; x8 := X[1,1]*X[2,2]; y1 := X[2,1]*X[1,2]; Vector([1, -x6, x8-y1]) else Vect1 := Vector(n1+1,fill = 0); Vect1[2] := X[1,1]; S1 := S; C1[1] := -1; Q1 := Q; Vect1[1] := -1; for r1 from 2 to n1 do for i1 to r1-1 do S1[i1] := X[i1,r1] end do; C1[2] := X[r1,r1]; for i1 to r1-2 do C1[i1+2] := `+`(seq(X[r1,j]*S1[j],j = 1 .. r1-1)); for j1 to r1-1 do Q1[j1] := `+`(seq(X[j1,k]*S1[k],k = 1 .. r1-1)) end do; for j1 to r1-1 do S1[j1] := Q1[j1] end do end do; C1[r1+1] := `+`(seq(X[r1,j1]*S1[j1],j1 = 1 .. r1-1)); for i1 to r1+1 do Q1[i1] := `+`(seq(C1[i1+1-j1]*Vect1[j1],j1 = 1 .. min(r1,i1))) end do; for i1 to r1+1 do Vect1[i1] := Q1[i1] end do end do; if type(n1,odd) then for i1 to n1+1 do x10 := Vect1[i1]; Vect1[i1] := -x10 end do end if; Vect1 end if end proc;
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